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About USGrN

The United States Grassroot Network (USGrN) is a union of nonpartisan, unaffiliated voters.
Our puropse is to provide our members, and other grassroots organizations, with the tools and knowledge required to sucessfully organize.
We collectively own and curate our Socialized Data Warehouse. We collectively understand the sacrament of our SDW.
We are self-supporting. Each member pays dues of time and treasure in amouts affordable to them.
We are the Grassroots.

Contact Us
Please Note: USGrN is currently only available in Colorado

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Please Note: USGrN is currently only available in Colorado

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Our Privacy Policy is simple.
USGRN will never give, sell, or otherwise transfer your personal data to any entity* unless required by court order.
USGRN will never give, sell, or otherwise transfer your personal survey data to any entity* unless required by court order.
USGRN will distribute to the public domain via our website anonymous aggregate survey data.

*Entity - A Business, Candidate, Campaign, Committee, Company, Conglomerate, Corporation, Governmental Agency, or Organization, Political Party.

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